Tuesday, November 9, 2010

set for the holidays

I'm not set for the holidays.  No, I'm not really feeling ready at all.  The store, however, is looking quite lovely and festive.  The Willows could throw a wonderful holiday party and invite you all over.  I am hoping to gain some inspiration from the store that will hopefully carry over to my home...  we will see.
In the meantime, here's a little of that inspiration for all of you, as well...  

Wouldn't it be nice, just one year, to have all your shopping done before Thanksgiving?  Then you could spend the weekend after Thanksgiving decorating your home and finishing wrapping up any last gifts.  By December 1 you would have nothing to do but enjoy the holidays.  Do you know anyone organized enough to pull that off?


  1. The store is gor gor gorgeous and kind of getting me into the spirit of wanting to decorate. I usually do have about 90% of my shopping done by Thanksgiving so I can bake and enjoy December with little stress. I know for certain that won't happen this year, nope it will not.

  2. It looks amazing! I am hoping that this year I can do it- be ready by the end of November.. although I am just beginning... Keeping my fingers crossed that I can get it all done!


  3. these pictures have me excited to come in and see the store!

  4. The store looks amazing!! It makes me want to get my holiday decorations out. I wish I lived closer to your place because I would be a loyal customer!!!

  5. I am like drooling over these images... and then it occurs to me... that The Willows is actually in Phoenix!! And I can go SEE with my own eyes and FEEL with my own fingers this amazing, glorious wonderland!!
    I can't wait to come see The Willows and be inspired!

  6. Your store is absolutely amazing right now - thanks for hosting such a fantastic Holiday open house yesterday full of holiday goodies! And the apple cake was simply divine, thanks for sharing the recipe, so looking forward to pulling that together for the right occasion!
