Wednesday, December 5, 2012

our thanksgiving

It was another great year with the family (almost) all together for Thanksgiving.  Alex was able to fly home from college, so all but our Chicago Burches were able to be together.  I practiced the art of not being a control freak by letting my daughter and granddaughter be in charge of flowers.  I hardly even noticed that they were not all cut to the same length...  The boys all played flag football while the moms and littles enjoyed lounging in the yard taking turns holding babies and puppies.  We ate.  And ate.  And after dinner I led my team to the win with my gold converse in an all-family game of capture the flag.  There were some delicious pies devoured later in the afternoon.  Especially the ones I "made."  As in I "made" myself order them.  I "made" myself go pick them up.  And I "made" myself bring them home...  See how I "made" pies this year?  Hehe.  
It was, indeed, a very happy thanksgiving!
Hope yours was, as well!
Always so much to be thankful for!

Charlotte reading what each grandchild said they were thankful for this year.

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