Tuesday, December 18, 2012

pajama party!

We have a grownup Christmas party every year, so I decided to plan a little kids' Christmas party this year, as well.  I have tried in the past to get all the grandkids Christmas pajamas.  With all the work it takes these days, I am not surprised it only happens every few years (I dare you to try and find 18 pairs of pajamas all the right size...).  I think from now on, if you are 5 and under you get cute Christmas jammies.  Everyone else can show up in their favorite sweat pants.  Good.  Anyway, we took all the kids downtown to go ice skating and then back to my house for pizza and to change into our jammies.  They were quite a cute sight, even if we were missing six of them.    

 Hope the holiday season is treating you well!


  1. Those pictures are absolutely adorable. What special memories and fun times you have. Happy New Year!
