Monday, February 18, 2013

valentine's day and lots of family

We had all our family from Chicago in town for Presidents' day weekend, so we had quite the Valentine's day celebration with all 18 grandkids (and #19 on the way!).  I did some shopping at Union Biltmore and bought the adults the Queen Creek Olive Mill almond sparkling wine!  So delicious!  Everyone should try it!  And I got all the little grandkids Smeeks gift cards to go shopping and pick out some goodies for themselves.  (Big kids got LGO gift cards!).  Christine made delicious cookies and I picked up some mini bundt cakes to celebrate a couple birthdays we had missed from the week before.  It is so nice to be surrounded by family!
That's a whole lot of valentine bags lined up...
Fun with mustaches from Smeeks!
Happy day to you all!

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