Monday, August 19, 2013

oh, what a summer!

Well, I cannot believe this summer is quickly coming to a close!  Oh, what a summer it has been.  We went to Dallas in May for my son's graduation and it seems we haven't slowed down since.  Off to California, home to welcome my future daughter in-law to the family with a cocktail party, back to California to host the whole family (6 kids, 4 spouses, 1 soon-to-be spouse and 19 grandkids), off on buying trips... I can't seem to slow down.  I am currently eating my way through New York (as you can see we stopped at the amazing Buvette) and am off from here to Chicago for a wedding, back to Phoenix for a week and then heading to Maine for my son Alex's wedding.
I think I need a vacation...
Anyway, we have missed all our lovely blog readers and hope to be back to this space regularly now that summer is coming to a close.  How has your summer been treating you?

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