Monday, September 23, 2013

beautiful maine!

Well, to end the crazy summer of traveling, the whole family headed out to the east coast to celebrate the wedding of my son, Alex and (his now wife!), Mary Brigid.  We rented a house on a lake near Mary's home town that slept 32 of us! (Check it out here!)  It was so fun and so beautiful, it was hard to ever come home!  We visited Mary Brigid's family's farm and saw all the animals, enjoyed tons of fresh fish and spent our days leading up to the wedding relaxing by the lake watching the kids swim and kayak.  It was glorious.  We hosted the rehearsal dinner right at the rental house and had a delicious lobster bake.  We arranged all the flowers for the rehearsal, the wedding bouquets and the reception, so we spent some serious time working in the garage making all those just right.  They actually arrived by FedEx a day late, so we called all hands on deck.  Luckily, there are quite a few of us...  It was a great week and led up to the most wonderful wedding! Pictures of that to follow!
We are so blessed to be able to spend time like this as a family!

the sign up the long dirt road to the house!
Looking out at the lake from the house deck.
Fresh fish, anyone?
Learning the ropes on the farm.
Arranging flowers.
Never too little to help around here.  We don't discriminate age when we need all hands on deck!
The groom-to-be with some of his brothers.
The beautiful bride-to-be and myself, with a sneaky little photo-bomber.
The beautiful couple! We love them so!

I stole some of these pictures from my daughter Emily's blog.  To see more, check out A Passion for a Dress!

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