Wednesday, February 19, 2014

celebrating with the ones i love!

My oldest son and his family came in town for a long weekend, so we decided to have a little Valentine's Day party with all the grandkids last Friday night.  I had some little helpers in my craft room that morning, so we made bags for each of the kids.  That night each child went around and dropped their valentine's into everyone's bag.  They had so much fun and with that many cousins, ended up with quite the goody-bag full!  (Some of my grandkids go to a really small school and were laughing that they had to make more valentines to share with their cousins than with their classmates!) We missed those that weren't here (my son in Chicago with his wife and grandbaby number 20 due this summer and my daughter in Belgium), but it was wonderful to all be together!  Family is the best!
Hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day!

The moms all needed goody bags, too! 
Grrrr, group pictures.  Oh, well.  We tried.

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