Monday, October 20, 2014

Round Top, Texas

Susan Rose and I had the extreme good fortune to head to Round Top, Texas this year for their annual antique fair, with the lovely Mary Emmerling showing us the way! It was like a dream come true! Rows and rows of tents spread out over acres under that big, blue Texas sky. Thank goodness we had Mary (a Round Top veteran) to show us the way or we might have been completely overwhelmed!  We came back to Phoenix with a whole truck full of amazing treasures for the shop and for some lucky design clients!  Stay tuned for what we will have in the store!
My heart just about jumped out of my chest when I saw this lovely sight... Oh, linen.  I do love you!
We were keeping our eye out for some amazing, one of a kind pieces for some design clients...
Your heart would skip a beat seeing all the amazing chandeliers lining tent after tent...
And, it is all so charming with chandeliers even hanging in the trees...
Trying to feed this beautiful, wild horse in a nearby field...  
I may have almost been bit! Luckily, he just got my bag, but it was a close one! They may be lovely, but be wary of wild horses!
Our favorite booth...
 She was from Michigan and simply walked down the beach collecting driftwood to come here and build this beautiful structure.  We were simply charmed by her whole set-up...
And, Round Top is certainly a fun place to people watch! Just one of the many characters we met and a sampling of some things not coming to the Willows...
What a fun week we had! Thanks, girls, for the great time!

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