Wednesday, March 26, 2014

making chili for the crowds

When our Chicago cousins come to town, everyone is so excited to see them!  I always know we will have a full house of visitors and those anxious to hang out with them.  No one wants to cook, plus I'm never sure exactly how many people will show up, not to mention what all the different little picky-eaters will and won't eat, so I always make a big pot of the world's easiest chili.  This is the best go-to meal when you want it done fast, you need to feed a lot of people, and you want to make everyone happy.  

world's easiest chili

- ground meat of your choice (sirloin, turkey, etc.)
- pork chops, cut into cubes
- ranch style beans (the secret ingredient)
- chili powder, salt and pepper to taste 
pour everything in a pot and cook.  see how easy that is.
then, make a buffet of toppings for everyone to choose from.
examples: cheese, corn, sour cream, radishes, zucchini, avocado, cilantro...
the list could go on and on.
the kids can have it plain with cheese, the dads can spice it up with tabasco, 
and everyone else can make it just the way they like :) 
happy crowd, happy hostess.

the secret ingredient :)
something here doesn't belong...
a sure sign of lots of kids running around :)

1 comment:

  1. Looks great! I want that towel, ha ha. Very cute and adds a nice touch to your kitchen!
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