An old friend of mine used to have a sign just inside her back door that read, "Back door friends are best." I couldn't agree more with that idea. It is always your closest friends and family that show up at your back door with their smiling faces, with no need to be formal or ring a door bell. However, I am currently horrified by the scene of destruction that my back door will lead my friends and family to. I walked around the front of my house the other day snapping a few pictures to reassure myself that there are still a few parts of my life that are orderly and pretty. So, next time you stop by, feel free to ring the door bell and we can sit out front with a cup of coffee and ignore the mess that is my kitchen.
Speaking of my kitchen, quite a few people have been asking me, "What is going on with the kitchen remodel?" Sadly, not much. At least not much to show for. Lots of meetings and signing papers and making final decisions, but the kitchen itself still looks like these last pictures we showed of it. You are all so sweet with your kind sentiments about the old kitchen and how much you loved the look of it. It was a good kitchen and it served us well for over 10 years, but what the pictures don't show is how much of it was falling apart. With 6 kids, 3 daughters-in-law, 1 son-in-law, 16 grandkids and quite the extended family beyond, that old kitchen was put to the test. Cabinets were falling off (perhaps after too many times of being slammed shut by little enthusiasts), other cabinets were destroyed by water damage and mold, and then there were the cabinets on either side of the stove that never actually opened due to an unfortunate architectural miscalculation (years of turning plates sideways to fit them in there). We hope this new kitchen gives us many years for more family dinners, parties and perhaps even another wedding or two; plenty of room for relaxing and enjoying each others company; and lots of open space for all the little feet to run about.
The latest update is that they plan to float out the floor and lay the brick in the next 2-3 weeks! Hurray for the new floor! I am so excited! Here is what I finally picked...
Now for what just might be the part I am the most excited for... the prize pieces I found to incorporate into the kitchen and living room. I found these amazing doors from an old French patisserie at Relics with the help of Todd (who is the very best!), which are going to go on either side of this equally fabulous buffet (also from Relics). He has more pieces, currently on the boat and soon to arrive, that he is sure will go perfect in our kitchen for our little barista corner. More on those to come. So, what do you think about the doors and buffet?

We have also been getting lots of inquiries about our handyman who assisted in the bathroom remodel. Unfortunately, he has recently had to leave town on family matters and we do not know when he will be back. I thought I would share all the information on the many fantastic people who are making this kitchen remodel happen, in case anyone was looking to have work done. I recommend all these people...
- Mike Maguire, our contractor - 602.373.9627
- D. Preston Brown, kitchen cabinets - 602.505.2584
- Vance Zahorski, Spencers (knows all the ins & outs of sub-zeroes and anything else you might need) - 480.991.7200
If you have any questions, please feel free to email or call the store :)
So, what are your plans this year for Mother's Day? Does your family spoil you or are you busy spoiling your mother?
My daughter, Christine has put together a couple fantastic ideas for do-it-yourself Mother's Day gifts. Take a look here and here.
Thanks for stopping by!
Unfortunately our door does not have a back door but I know waht you mean :-) Love the buffet and the doors are tres belle.
Leeann x
Love your front door and your property. I shared the picture of your outdoor gathering for your daughter on my blog last week, hope you don't mind!
The doors and buffet are gorgeous. I am anxiously awaiting your kitchen reveal.
I am so glad you ladies love the doors and buffet! Thanks for the comments. I peeked over at both your lovely blogs and was immediately in love.
Morning T - thanks for the blog mention!
- Bev
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