Update! We are getting such a great response from all our friends and followers, we have decided to extend the giveaway through Monday, May 24th (be sure to leave a comment before midnight on Monday!). Now you can spread the word to all your friends to stop on by our blog this weekend for their chance to win! Good Luck to everyone!
Remember when we announced that we had just received our first order of Sea Bags in the store? Well, I cannot even express how fantastic they are! Soooo, we decided we would treat one lucky reader to a large Sea Bag of their choice! Sea Bags are custom totes made from recycled sails. Their slogan is "Sailed around the world, recycled in Maine." If you don't know about them already, I promise you will love them. Great to take to the beach, on a picnic, to yoga or even use as a diaper bag (and great to take sailing, too... obviously). So, take a peek for yourself...

They have been written up in just about every magazine and everyone simply gushes over them. Coastal Living, Domino and Lucky to mention a few (O magazine, Elle, Vanity Fair, Real Simple, Vogue... to name a few more).
This time we have decided to give you a few ways to enter our giveaway.
1. Become a follower and leave a comment telling us you did so (and, of course, if you are already a faithful follower, all you have to do is leave a comment saying so, as well).
2. Blog, tweet or facebook about this giveaway and leave another comment saying you did so (with a link) on this post.
Sound good? Do all those things and up your chances 4 times to win!
Do any or all of these things by midnight on Friday, May 21st (updated to Monday, May 24th) for your chance to win. We will announce the winner on Monday, May 24th (updated to Tuesday, May 25th).
Good Luck! And don't forget to tell all your friends!
And as a little surprise on the side, I decided I wanted to do something for all the lovely readers who take time to leave sweet little comments. I absolutely love getting and reading each and every comment and wanted to do something special for you ladies. Thus, I have also planned a little surprise giveaway. If you have left a comment on the blog between April 19 ("almost in the clear") and May 11 ("our first saturday flea market"), then you have already been entered in a giveaway for one of these fantastic Sea Bags' wine totes. I really love this little prize and it is just my way of saying thanks for your thoughtfulness! So, we've written down all your names and we will announce the winner of this giveaway Monday, May 24th, as well! Thanks again!
1 – 200 of 305 Newer› Newest»How exciting! I'm already a follower AND I've left comments during the "special" time period so I'm feeling lucky. I have that page out of Domino magazine! I tore it out simply because I loved the bag, it's in my "things I want" file!!! Super fab giveaway.
I'm already a follower! Count me in!!
Yes please!! I just put me in as a follower.
Great Blog. Thanks!!
Love your blog, read it almost everyday! Love love love the Sea Bags and I really really want one!
I love them! I am already a follower
posted about them too-
Tweeted too..
i'm already a follower too! cute giveaways :)
what a great giveaway-I am already a follower!
was in saturday and bought my very first sea bag!!! i love most anything numerical and the olive green instantly caught my eye . already blogged on it monday but it's more than worth two mentions. your store is amazing! tempts me every time. :)
I love everything have in your store...sea bags are the best!
like i need another bag, but hip hip hooray! count me in.
I'm a follower. Throw my name in the hat too!
I am already a follower. Absolutely love these bags! So adorable and perfect for summer!
The bags are great, hopefully I'll be lucky enough to win one!
THOSE ARE AMAZING! I love the ones with numbers or the anchor. they are amazing! Thanks for the giveaway! PICK ME!
and i'm a follower of course
I love all things nautical, and have always loved these bags! Thanks for a great giveaway!
I'm a follower! I adore these bags, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
i'll be back for a wine bag or two! love them xo!
Love, love, love these bags!!!! I'm a follower.
These are so darling.
I just found out about your blog.
I am a new follower.
I LOVE these bags! I have always wanted one, but for some reason every time I saw them there was some reason I didn't buy one! Count me in! Thanks!!
Oh, I am a follower too! Thanks!!
I just posted about this fabulous giveaway on my blog:
I have been reading your blog for weeks now, just became a true follower. I love these bags, would love to win one.
I've always loved these bags! I've just found your blog and became a follower right away!
I'm already a follower. Love these!
I am a follower...that the sea are so chic. Gotta have one for the beach this summer!
Tweetied too:
And facebooked:
I'm a new follower.
FANTASTIC giveaway!
Yay- what a fun giveaway, please count me in! I have really been enjoying your blog, thanks for the endless inspiration.
I did leave comments during the secret giveaway time period too so I have my fingers crossed! :)
I am a follower.
Posting on my blog sidebar now. :)
I've been a follower for a while now! Love Love LOVE these bags!!
i'm a follower and i'm in love with these bags!
what super super super cute bags, oh my word, where have i been?
just found your great blog....now a follower :)
ohhhhh how i loooooove these bags!please pick me!
...just became a follower too!
I became a follower! Loving this blog AND the sea bags!!
I'm now a follower. These bags are so popular! I love them!
I'm now a follower. These bags are so popular! I love them!
I just became a follower :O)
Thanks so much. I'd love one of these bags!!!!
I'm already a faithful follower. I'm so happy about this new giveaway. I've had my eye on these sea bags for a while. Good luck to me!
These totes are so cute! What a great way to bring a little beachy feeling to Phoenix! Mrs. Burch your blog is wonderful!
I'm a follower! :) I tweet tweeted about these super cute bags. https://twitter.com/courtneyham & I facebooked about it www.facebook.com/courtneynicolehamilton
These bags are on my Summer want list! :)
I just became a follower and I tweeted about the giveaway! Yeah, I LOVE these bags!
follower and have to let you know I love my new Michael Stars flip flops!! LOVE THEM!
I'm a follower and love your blog really!
I posted about the give-away in my blog :
Have a very nice day!
Greetings from Isa, Belgium (Europe)
i am already a follower and i LOVE these bags! i kind of need one for when i begin my first sailing lessons this summer!
I am a folllower! I enjoy reading about whatever is going on in the store, in your home, and in your life! Thanks for the great giveaway :)
I'm a follower...these bags are all so cute!
Love Willows, but never was a follower--now I am! Thanks to Jaimee Rose I'm connected!
I just became a follower of your fabulous blog! Love the reused sail bags, such a unique idea.
Posted about The Willows blog!
Very cool giveaway. I am now a follower... happy early summer.
I am now a follower.
Sweet giveaway! I love Sea Bags!! I'm a new follower!
Tweeted! http://twitter.com/Preppymama/status/14008440339
Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/profile.php?id=1486897100&v=wall&story_fbid=119152711450776&ref=mf
I'm a follower and love the site! What an awesome summer giveaway!
I'm a follower and I've always loved these bags!
What a great giveaway! I'm already a follower, would love to use this bag when I go visit my brother this summer in South Padre Island!!
What a fun giveaway... the Sea Bags are just darling! I love your blog and read it daily, and I officially became a follower today. Thank you!!
I posted about it on Facebook too :)
or facebook.com/tracibrewer
Love everything about your blog and shop. So cute and very unique for Arizona. Definitely a follower!
I'm a follower! Those bags are great!!!
Love the recycle wine bag! I am now following you!
Just found your blog ~ it's fabulous.
I'm a new follower!
Hi there,
I have recently found your blog and check in on a daily basis! I love everything about it and your style:)
oh, and I'm now a follower!!
I'm a follower!!! I LOVE the sea bags!!
I'm a follower and I LOVE the sea bags!!
Would love one! Now that I've found you, I'm a follower!
Love the bags and definitely a follower of the willows blog!!!! :)
Just blogged about these adorable Sea Bags. I really really want one!
Just posted it on facebook, too!!! http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=600835096&ref=ss
i just posted this on facebook ... so many of my friends are going to LOVE it!
I'm getting married in a few months and anchors are a huge inspiration ...i would LOVE to include some of your bags!
I just posted this to my facebook ...
I LOVE THESE BAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love these bags!!! Would love to win!!! HEHE
I love the number bags. Perfect for summer picnics since I don't have a beach nearby.
I'm already a follower!
To die for! As a teacher, I thought I had test driven every tote and bag on the planet! Boy, was I wrong! This looks amazing. Please mark me down as a follower...thank you!
Faithfully Tweeted....
Added to Facebook for all my friends to see and NEED one as well :)
showing off this bag is the perfect excuse to book a trip to the cape. :o)
already a follower.
DEFINITELY a follower!!!
I saw these bag in Coastal Living and admired them SO...it would be nice to win one! Also, I am hoping to stop into your shop soon, hopefully this weekend!
I'm a follower!
I am a follower!
Just found your blog and am now a follower. Beautiful stuff!
Hi! I just found you through Fiona & Twig and I am so happy that I did, your sop and blog are just amazing!!! I can't wait to read more! I just became a follower...and a huge fan :)
Tossing my name in, but of course!
Following. :-)
OMG!!! These bags are fabulous!! I would LOVE to win one!!!!! I'm a new follower:) Found out about you from Fionna and Twigs blog:)
I also shared on facebook with a link to your blog!!:) I hope I win!!!!!:)
would LOVE to win! just found your blog through Anne and I am going to become a follower!
Fabulous! Follower, too...from Fiona & Twig
Oooh, How I have wanted one of these bags! Hubby and I are sailors and this bag would be so well loved. Thanks for this great giveaway!
I just signed up as a follower! Found out about your awesome bags from Anne at Fiona & Twig.
Perfect bags!
Great giveaway! I heard about you on Fiiona and Twig!
Love, love, love the bag!! I'm a follower!!
I became a follower too! You have agreat blog!
I am a follower. Found your blog by coincedence :) I think your products are totally awesome and original. The sail totes, that's just such an original and creative idea!! Very inspring images also!
would love to have the chance...I love tote bags!
{HUFFING and PUFFING!} Ran over from Annie's at Fiona and Twig when I read about your amazing and generous giveaway. Such unique bags!!! I realized that I've been here, before, to your lovely blog. Sometimes I can't always remember how I got to a blog, so I'm happy to be back and will become a follower, now! xx P&H
I just found your blog via Fiona & Twig, it's just great! I would love to be entered in your giveaway, I tried to join as a follower, but it didn't work, I will try again later!!! Blessings~~~Daphne
When I saw these on Fiona and twig I RAN over to have a peek at the blog...GORGEOUS! I just love it & am happy to follow!
Just found you from Fiona & Twig...happy new follower! Fingers crossed! Great Giveaway! Going to post it on the sidebar of my blog, too!
xoxo Beth
Id love to have a chance to win this great bag. What an amazing idea! Just found you from Fiona and Twig.
Just joined as a follower!
Putting you on my blog!
I'm a new follower and I've been to your store and just LOVE it! I really love the Sea Bag and would love :) to have one!
I'm a follower and love your blog and these bags. I'm having a beach themed wedding next May and this would be perfect to carry around my "wedding ideas". Thanks. :)
HFello.....popped over from Fiona and Twig. I live in AZ so have been in your shop often. Even bought a few sweet things. (O:(O:
I've been a follower forever, and would love to be entered in this give away.
I'm traveling now.....but I'm sure I'll pop into your little shop in the fall.
New follower. Found you by way of Fiona and Twig blog. This is an awesome giveaway!
Oh, I love this bag!!! Thanks for offering this giveaway. I'm a new follower now.
Posted it on my FB here:
Wow! I just discovered your blog via Anne of Fiona and Twig and I am now a follower!
I just left a post comment and also joined! Anne from Fiona and Twig told me about your blog and giveaway! So glad she did!
I'd love to win, but feeling pretty "blessed" lately so count me in, but mostly glad I found your beautiful blog!
Nice to "meet" you!
I just became follower #281! That's a lucky number, right?
These bags are to. die. for. Even though I live far from a beach, I could pretend!
Count me in!
LOVE the bags!! I am a bag and purse-aholic! I would love just one more....I am a follower and look forward to exploring your blog further..Hugs, Chris
Very cool giveaway! Please count me in!
I am also a follower!
Stunning bags. Count me in.
Greatbags! Enter me. Lisa
I'm a follower...great giveaway!
I am a new follower, I look forward to reading your blog!!!
mi3ragamuffins at aol dot com
I would love to be entered. I need a new summer tote. Im a follower.
Am a follower!
love th totes!
will also post on my blog!
This bag NEEDS me!! Following!
I'm a follower! Love the blog and the bags :)
thanks for the great giveaway. i love the blog.
follower! love this bag!
Just became a follower and I must say I rarely enter giveaways but this one is amazing!! I love it to pieces and have my fingers crossed tightly!!! I'm off to tweet about it and put it on my blog... Wish me luck :)
La Dolfina
a brand new follower...count me in!
I just became a follower! Loved Sea Bags the moment Emilie, Inc. posted her vendor tour of their company...so neat! Thanks for the lovely giveaway opportunity.
Just posted about this awesome giveaway on my blog - check it out :)
I'm a new follower and I love the sea bags! Thanks Emily B. for posting on fb!
What fab bags! I've just signed up as a new follower, and posted about your giveaway - fingers crossed!
Hi again..
posted about giveaway on my blog!
check it out!
make me a winner!
And, I just posted on fb!
I love your bags and would love to own one. I just found your blog and will go and become a follower.
I am a new follower.
I am a newly faithful follower via Google Reader. Thanks for the giveaways!
One more new follower, I adored your pretty picnic, that hooked me right in!
I just found your blog, brand new follower but can't wait to keep getting more adorable posts, and if I won one of these (which I've been coveting for so long!) it would be such a lovely welcome to the blog, oh, I hope I win :)
love the bags! I'm a new follower and I couldn't help but blog about them too.
-Lindsey Anne (thedailylindsey.com)
i love the willows and i love those sea bag!!
Love these seabags! I'm a new follower. Thank you for the giveaway!
Glad to be a new follower!
LOVE these! Glad to be a new follower! Thanks!
also posted about the giveaway on my facebook!
Just signed up as a follower. I'm loving the Sea Bags. Would be so perfect for taking to the pool!
I'm a follower too! would love one of the bags!
I LOVE love LOVE Seabags and am already a follower! choose me!
Sharon, Scottsdale
Very cute bags. Fiona and Twig sent me.
Now I'm a follower.
love these bags
I swoon over these bags every time I see one in a store! First time on your blog + I'm a follower now!
I found you through Simple Lovely and am now a follower!
I found you through simple lovely too! I'm so excited to be a follower!
Such a lovely blog. Just found you via simple lovely, and happy I did. Becoming a follower.
I blogged about the giveaway, hooray!
just became a follower and my next move is to write a blog post about this fantastic giveaway! what a wonderful summer bag! oh how i miss domino.
So excited to be a new follower. Absolutely LOVE these bags. What a wonderful idea. If I don't win (sad!) then I will have to buy one (happy!).
Love Love Love Sea Bags - wish I had one of my own.
i just became an "official" follower. love your cute blog and those sea bags!!
just posted about them on my blog too:
Just found your blog..., absolutely love the sea bags. In fact I had giveaway with recycled things from sailcloth a while back on my blog Completely Coastal..., I'm a new follower!!! Thanks for the chance -so fabulous!
Just found your blog through Anne @ Fiona & Twig. What a beautiful place you have here! I just became a follower so I can come back and explore, and I'd love to be entered in your giveaway. How nice it would be to win one of your bags! Thanks!
I love these bags, so I'm so excited to see a giveaway! Just added myself as a follower...crossing my fingers!
Just posted to facebook:
I just became a follower and couldn't be happier about my decision! I LOVE the Sea Bags and hope to find one that fits my needs and personality! Thanks for a great blog!
I just became a follower!
I have just become a follower!
I just became a follower and I am obsessed with these bags!
love these bags!
I'm a follower! :)
Love, love, love these bags! Thanks!
i will follow you...i am a follower
Love these bags so much!
I am a new follower! Love it!
what a delight blog! considered you followed and me inspired!
I've always thought these bags were fantastic! Great giveaway; thanks!! I hope, I hope...
I'm a new follower! Keeping my fingers crossed. :)
Became a follower! Thanks for the giveaway! I love these bags!!
im a follower...and i love those sea bags! reminds me of childhood summer on cape cod...
Love Sea Bags and I'm a brand new follower!
Hey, I'm a follower - these are seriously great bags!!
you're in my google reader, right next to Design Mom! love those bags!
Just another reason I want to get to your store one day!!!
Love these bags. Would love to win!
Just became a follower!
I love these bags. i just became a follower.
I'm now a follower! Great great bags. Love them!
I love these bags!
Love this cute bag - what a great way to reuse something - It will be great for the beach or a day shopping at the Willows Market!
going to the beach on Monday night...i would love love love to take a lovely sea bag with me!!!
Great Bag! Tres Cute!
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