Wednesday, April 9, 2014

another night of knitting

We are all getting better...  little by little.  
All thanks to Lynne Bonnell!
Now, we need to get another day on the calendar...  do I have any open days on my calendar?!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

willows' design center

Let's get creative!  We are here for you.

The Willows' Design Room...  where we will sit and talk with you about your home, your ideas, you can share your favorite pictures and your best loved Pinterest posts...

We do our best to be available for you.  We are always happy to schedule an appointment, as well.

On our last install, one of our favorite clients said, "This is where Pinterest comes to life!"

- Susan and Bev

Monday, April 7, 2014

west coast to the east coast

My beautiful travel partner, Susan

Well, last week got away from me!  I was in LA for a few days, then headed out to North Carolina and am on my way back to Phoenix at the end of this week.  Life is crazy, as usual!  But we're having fun and making the most of it!  Stay tuned for more about LA (and a little giveaway!), what's new in the shop, a mother's day event, and more!  

fixing up our room with some little treasures from cash and carry :)
our pantry.  only the healthiest :)


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