Friday, April 16, 2010

Matteo Giveaway!

Well, it is finally Friday and that means we are ready to announce our first ever giveaway! Are you as excited as I am? Have you told all your friends? As you may have guessed, we are giving away something from one of my absolute favorite lines from the store, Matteo. All of their bedding is amazingly soft and very family friendly (you can wash it to death and it only gets better). I do have to warn you, however, that it is extremely addictive. You might start spending a little too much time in bed... What can I say, I really, really just love it. And I have a feeling you will, too. Just take a look at their site and fall in love...

We are giving away a delicious greige (it is a gray beige) coverlet in either a king or queen (whichever you choose), as we wouldn't want your bed to look anything but perfect. And we have made it super easy for you to enter. All you have to do is become a follower of our blog (look to the left column just under the "about" section and you will find a section called "followers" - just click on "follow" and become a follower) and then leave a comment on this post telling us you did. And, of course, if you are already a follower, just leave a comment telling us so! We will announce the winner at the end of next week! Good Luck!

Have a wonderful weekend! And stay tuned to see if you are the lucky winner!

photo credits from here, here, here, here and here.

*This giveaway is over. Comments posted past April 23 are not applicable. Thank you for your interest and keep following to find out about more great giveaways.


Amanda said...

Added myself as a follower and feel somehwat guilty doing so as I am already the lucky owner of some Matteo bedding but could always use more.

Taylor K said...

Hooray for giveaways! Comfy linens are the BEST.

theyoung8 said...

I just became a follower and I have ALWAYS wanted Matteo is so beautiful and everything I have heard about it makes it sound even more amazing! I could surely use a comfy oasis away from my six, wonderful little fingers are crossed!!!

Toni said...

Just became an "official" follower! I've been reading this blog for several months now and love it!

Mely said...

I'm already a loyal follower and very excited about the giveaway. The Matteo bedding is lovely! By the way, I love the blog's new look!

Alisha said...

The bedding looks heavenly, I could probably get used to the idea of becoming addicted to it!

Holly said...

Love the new blog! And really love the Matteo linens!

Elizabeth said...

I just added myself as a follower. I look forward to visiting Willows the next time I am in Phoenix. Thank
you for the chance to win some beautiful Matteo bedding!

The Feathered Nest said...

Oh my goodness!! What a wonderful giveaway! I just became a follower (even though I've already been one, but now it's official) The coverlet is just gorgeous! xxoo, Dawn

Rusthawk said...

What a delicious selection of bedding! The sleep environments are so serene and appealing. Thanks so much for a chance to win this wonderful bedding! I'm following ...

Rosanne said...

Love a giveaway! Especially when it's something so yummy as bedding!

Cherie said...

2 good things in one day! I'm following your blog AND I have a chance to win MATTEO bedding!

Scotch Naturals said...

Loving the "griege" Matteo bedding. I have already posted the giveaway on my personal facebook page and will add it to my fan page as well. LOVE IT!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm now 'officially" a follower, always was before but now it's legit :) Amy R

becky said...

oh my goodness.... My daughter and I would love to have bedding as comfy as Metteo's. We as follower and are crossing out fingers and toes! :) Thank you for this great giveaway!

Vanessa said...

I am a follower, I love Matteo bedding it is so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I have always been a "follower" of the Willows blog but now it's official thanks to this wonderful incentive!!! I love Matteo bedding! What a wonderful idea!!! Thank you!

TerryMoran said...

Just became a follower! This giveaway is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Love the blog, Willows, & Matteo linens!

Unknown said...

I'm a follower! Love the store and love the blog!

todd said...

Looking forward to seeing your new finds at the store soon!!

Anonymous said...

I just became a follower....better late than never! And I would love to have some new, cozy bedding! Oh, I hope!

Flipped Bird said...

Oooooo ahhhhh! I wannna win, please oh please! Very dreamy! xoxo marci

Anonymous said...

Who doesn't LOVE a Matteo Giveaway! Just became a follower! Yeah!!

You Are My Fave said...

Are you kidding me?! This giveaway is amazing. I'm loving gray in bedrooms right now. My current duvet cover is past its prime.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the blog...and the store:) Thanks for the chance to win!

Nicole said...

Officially a the blog! :)

becca said...

Such a generous and lavish give away! I've been following the Willows for a long time, but now it's official - I feel as though we just made commitment vows, now lets celebrate!

Katy said...

Just found this and love your site! I'm now a follower!

Tricia said...

Love your blog and am going to become a folower right now!

The Bird Family said...

I'd have become a follower without the giveaway, but that bedding sure looks HEAVENLY!

Carol Migray said...

Would love, love some Matteo bedding. So put me on the giveaway list, pretty please with sugar on top...... Carol
Bev I am the Carol from the Cottage Garden in Glendale. Still want an apron......

Unknown said...

I would love to win!! I love Matteo bedding. It is really great. Thanks

Ladee said...

I've been receiving your emails and reading the blog for some time. Love the early notice of upcoming events and the creative use of Social Media. Put me on your list for the comfy bedding, queen size.

Unknown said...

New follower! I want to jump into that bed!

Unknown said...

I love Willows, all the way from Washington, D.C., and only get to come to the shop when I visit my daughter in Tucson and Phoenix. I sure would like to win this giveaway because I would have to come get it!

Anonymous said...

Ok-i am now following-as the gals know...i have been coveting this bedding in exactly that color! wow-what a fun give-away!!!

Kate Decker said...

Thank you so much for such a great giveaway! I love your store and bought the most beautiful numerical mugs in there last year. Thanks for being a great business!

Smith Made said...

We are now amongst the followers and fans of Matteo linens.

Anonymous said...

What a fun thing for Spring to give away! Of course I will follow
you and my new bedding all the way to my room! :)

CeCe said...

Added myself as a follower because your blog is yummy, just like the bedding!

jordyn said...

I'm now an official follower... and absolutely love the Matteo bedding.

emcgeary said...

I just became a follower. Yeah! Love your store! Everything is extra beautiful! Thank you so much for your birthday coupons for your loyal customers. We dont live close, but we make a special effort to drive to your store and shop all of your lovely things! Thanks, Elizabeth

Unknown said...

Just became a follower! love Matteo bedding! hope i win! :) Emma L

ranch barbie said...

There is nothing like cuddling into soft confy bedding. Please count me into this amazing giveaway. Thank you for the emails I've added you on my favorite in my blogging world.

Unknown said...

I love the Willows. It is the place I go to when I am looking for a meaningful or special gift. There is always some little treasure tucked away in a corner or sitting right there on a beautiful display. Mostly, I just want to move in!

rosiecampbell said...

Have read your blog for quite sometime. I joined as an official follower. I so love your guest house. the transformation is incredible. Definitely feels like Provence. Lucky you!

Cory said...

follower now! could definitely use some cozy new bedding :)

Unknown said...

I'm a follower!

jeanine said...

i love the greige!
oh - and i'm a follower!!

cerebral e said...

how gorgeous! i'm a follower.

Becky said...

i am now a follower. what an awesome giveaway!

Jill Turner said...

I am a follower! :) Great giveaway!


lissa said...

just make myself a follower, I am new to your blog but who can resist bedding of any kind? wonderful giveaway and thanks for making it so easy

Kristine said...

Greige - I hadn't heard that term before, but it's a handy one - particularly given I love all things grey, especially the beige greys.

Amanda said...

I am a follower! Awesome giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower! Awesome giveaway!


Sarah said...

I am now a follower! and I sure would love some Matteo bedding! fingers crossed!

Allison said...

I'm a new follower! thanks for the giveaway.

kribss said...

i'm a follower too!

amy said...

I'm now a follower and a new convert to Matteo. This bedding is gorgeous! Wish I'd known about your store when I lived in Phoenix...

megan said...

seeing these and they look wonderfully comfy!

Unknown said...

i'm a new follower... and this giveaway looks delish! thanks!!

lauren said...

I'm a follower now! This looks amazingly comfortable! Thanks for the giveaway!

Jill said...

I am now a proud follower of The Willows!

luke and pamela said...

i am a follower! i haven't had the best sleep since my son, mateo arrived, so i've got fingers crossed that this matteo could change things around!

Carrie said...

So lovely, glad I became a follower.

Unknown said...

love it! i'm a follower

Anonymous said...


Kylie said...

I'm a follower!

ann ladson said...

Another 'new follower"! I too love Matteo, I could never afford it, would be elated if I won!

Unknown said...

You <3 Matteo + I <3 Matteo = Follow!

melissa leighe said...

I'm a follower now, and a new fan of the blog! the matteo bedding is gorgeous.. xoxo

Justine said...

I love bedding, and I love your blog. I'm a new follower. :-)

Jenny said...

I have always dreamed of having Matteo bedding but couldn't afford it. Thanks for providing this chance!

lauraland said...

i am following! hooray! crossing my fingers!

Corina said...

woot woot! i am a sleeper, i could use another good reason to stay in bed!

Logan said...

Wow, I am a new follower here and utterly inspired. I am in the midst of making my own upholstered headboard and this would be the perfect compliment.

Emily Greene said...

I just discovered your blog, and it's lovely. I'm following you.

Leah Moss said...

after stalking for quite some time, I'm officially a follower!

Josephine said...

LOVE Matteo's products!

Just added myself as a follower.

roysie said...

Found your blog via "You Are My Fave." Great giveaway! Thanks!!

Lindsay said...

I just became a follower! This bedding is BEAUTIFUL.

b.barrett said...

I'm a follower!
Love the bedding.

Sara said...

I've been reading your blog for a little while now, but now I'm an official follower! I LOVE this bedding; it looks so amazingly soft and comfortable!

MT said...

just became a follower. All this bedding is gorgeous. I'm trying to simplify things in my life and this would be perfect for a simple, serene bedroom.

ashtallon said...

i am a new follower via twitter and a bride to be! i am in love with the color of the bedding and would love to have some for the new house!

Jessica said...

I'm now a follower. Love the bedding. :) Thanks!

karen said...

Followed! What a lovely blog :)

Anonymous said...

I am a follower, love the bedding, nice blog also. Followed under my twitter account egleonard

Unknown said...

Following! So happy to have found you - what a lovely giveaway {and even lovelier blog!}.


Kate said...

Since I already spend way too much time in bed, I'm pretty much in love with this giveaway. I'm a follower!


Lucia said...

I'm a follower! How'd you know grey is my favorite color? Yay Willows!

Sarah said...

love love love this bedding! and i need new bedding so badly! officially following!

Tonia said...

I'm a big believer in "bed heaven" (as my friends and I like to call it) and just became a follower. Matteo bedding would no doubt make a lovely addition.

eskay said...

now a follower! (:

Lisa Olson said...

Yeah! What a gorgeous giveaway. I'm a new follower, thanks for the chance to win!

Anne said...

The pictures seem to have a Scandinavian flavor to it!

tawny. said...

i'm a follower!
thanks for such an amazing giveaway!

My Grama's Soul said...

Hi there.....I have become a new follower. I am in your store often and have bought a few things.

I it and the look you have going on


bigBANG studio said...

So, I don't know how to tell you this, but the huz and I need this luxuriousness for the bed in our 1978 Scamp *TRAILER.* Yes, Matteo bedding in a trailer. But it's going to be a super hip and ever-so-faaabulous trailer when we're done restoring it.

And a neutral grey-beige would go so smashingly with our persimmon-and-linen South African pillows. Just sayin. Thanks for the generous giveaway!

Kate said...

It's a rare dreary day in Denver and would love to be spending it in one of those comfy beds...

Laurie Stark said...

Followed! Oh, I love this!

mytangerine said...

am a follower now :) what a delightful giveaway!

Kat O said...

Im now a follower. Would love nothing more than new lush sheets

les fifoles said...

You have now a follower in Switzerland! But don't worry I have an U.S. address. I love Matteo and the last picture and your new blog!

A bientôt. Anne

Unknown said...

Oh I love happening upon a new (to me) blog! I am now a follower. What an amazing giveaway. I have been wanting (trying not to covet) Matteo for some time now! Winning your giveaway would be like winning free groceries for a year. Whoohoo!

. said...

following and loving your blog :)

Lindsay Jones said...

I am now a follower and quite excited about it! I was just telling my husband today we need a new bed...

Natalie said...

I'm a follower! Love your shop and blog!

Jen said...

I'm so glad I found you!! Pretty Please PICK ME...that bedding looks amazing!

I'm a new follower :)

Anika said...

Following, check! Thanks to Full House for providing the link and introduction to such a lovely site.

Mason said...

I'm a follower and omg---I LOVE THE BEDDING!!! OH. SO. MUCH.

Aileen said...

I am a follower and I love your stuff!!!!

benson said...

I'm following the most gorgeous blog now! I used to visit your store when it was at Hilton Village and I traveled from Prescott to go to Pucci (eyebrows!)and am so happy to know you're still in Phoenix--will come visit again soon!
Crossing my fingers--so fabulous and thank you!

McMemories said...

Just found your blog through a friend and LOVE it!! What a fun giveaway too:)
I am now a follower!!

JD and Lindsay said...

Just became a follower, love The Willows and the blog!

Time for Treasures said...

Beautiful bedding, simple, elegant and luxurious! Now a follower!

nicole said...

I am now a follower. And this is the 1st blog I'm a follower of. This is Fun! love the bedding.

tramnelson said...

i love your aesthetic eye! so, it is, with great pleasure that i picked the perfect blog to get initiated into the design blogosphere!

Anonymous said...

I just became a follower! This is just the type of giveaway I need. My bed needs it :)

Elaine said...

i need some bedding so badly. i was gonna ask for it for my birthday, but this would be lovely!

ptyof6 said...

I am an official follower and am so excited about this giveaway...just in time for our bedroom redo! Fingers. Are. Crossed.

Lynda @ Happenstance Home said...

Just found your blog through Full house. I am now a follower!

AJ said...

I just added myself as a follower....LOVE Matteo & your blog. I just moved from Phx. (VERY close to your store). I look forward to visiting the store on my next trip there.

planets said...

im following and i am in LOVE with the comforter! LOVE!

Ali said...

Wow! That greige coverlet would look perfect in my new grey and white bedroom!!! That is the one missing piece on my bed! I look forward to reading your blog---

Grace @ Sense and Simplicity said...

I became a follower. what an amazing giveaway.

cyndy said...

I just found your blog and love it. Happily became a follower and love love love the bedding. Thanks for the chance to win!

heather said...

beautiful bedding! just added myself as a follower. :)

Rebecca said...

i would love to jump into one of those photos and drift off...and am excited to be a new follower!

Desarae said...

WOW! Those linens are amazing! I love this giveway and I'm excited to be a follower of such a lovely blog.

One Cute Mom said...

oh how i'd love some new bedding! Just added myself as a follower.

Unknown said...

Oh, how I would LOVE to win. That bedding is to die for. Just became a follower! :)

Becky Holmes said...

Oh, love, love, love it! Already was a follower..thanks so much!!

Unknown said...

I am now a follower and I love your store!!! I just brought in a friend to the shop on Wednesday and she fell instantly in love. :)

Tracy Wong said...

I stumbled across this from the seesaw blog. Thanks for the giveaway. I'm now a follower.

The Willows said...

thanks to everyone!
comments are now closed.
good luck!

Amanda said...

I am now a follower!

Sharon said...

I'm now a follower! First time I have navigated through a blog site. Thanks for the motivation!

Teresa said...

I added myself as a follower and love your blog. I recently bought a Matteo duvet and would love to add a more Matteo bedding to my collection.

April said...

I added myself as a follower. I'm currently shopping for new bedding so this would be amazing to win!

Margaret said...

I'm a follower.

nest of posies said...

how dreamy this would be to curl up with!
beautiful blog.
came by way of christina @ full house.

Joye said...

Crossing my fingers for some lovely bedding coming my way! LOVE your blog! :)

Anonymous said...

I just started following and I hope hope hope I win!! Beautiful bedding and beautiful blog!

Jeni G said...

I follow and i wish wish wish upon a star that i win!

M Weisse said...

Okay, I am officially a follower now. I can always use another excuse to stay in bed, but wow it looks like I have a lot of competition. You sure are getting popular!

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Just found your blog via Full House, had no idea your store had a blog. I'm now a follower - and happily so!

Unknown said...

I am officially a follower and would be thrilled to win!!! I love the Willow blog!

the blonde said...

new follower, though i love the blog! also, as i'm about to make the transition away from the bed-in-a-bag-ikea-coverslipped comforter i've been using for 4 years, i would LOVVVVVEEEE some matteo bedding!

Caroline said...

I am now following your beautiful blog! I am so glad I've come across you! I would love to win as I am in dire need of some new bedding. This would be absolutely lovely. Thank you for the chance to win!

emily said...

On the list to follow this blog, and newly in love with Matteo bedding. What a perfectly lovely way to drift off to sleep!

mkann said...

I just became a follower! What a great giveaway...Matteo bedding is amazing!

HMW said...

I added myself as a follower and can't wait to share your blog with my blog world. I'll be in the store in the next few weeks, I'm so excited...another great find in Phoenix!

rspar9 said...

What a great inspiration! Love the Matteo bedding- A good example of your excellent taste. Count us in. The bedding would be the icing on the cake in our beach inspired bedroom.

A perfect example of beauty from simple elegance.

rspar9 said...

I am inspired by the beauty and creativity here. The Matteo linens reflect your great taste and sensibility.

Count me in for this and future inspiration! We could most certainly enjoy this beautiful bedding in our beach inspired bedroom- it would be the perfect icing
on our simple cake.

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog. I will definately be following it! Love your style.

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog. I will definately be following it! Love your style.

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog. I will definately be following it! Love your style.


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